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"The County Commissioners of Carroll County will hold a public hearing on Thursday, October 31, 2013 at 2:00 PM in Room 311, Carroll County Office Building, 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland, 21157 to hear public comments on proposed amendments to Chapter 223, Zoning, §§ 223-2, 223-143 and 223-133, which would a) amend the definitions of "Extractive Operations", "Mineral Resource Recovery Operation", Processing Operation", and "Conveyor"; and add definitions for "Excavated Material" and "Concurrent Reclamation"; b) make amendments to permitted uses in the Mineral Recovery Area; c) add a requirement that landscaping comply with the provision in the Carroll County Landscape Manual; and e) add provision regarding excavated material stockpile operation and methods.
The Commissioner may make amendments to the proposed legislation based upon comments received at the hearings and may do so without further hearing. Therefore, it is important for interested persons to be present."
Full text of the announcement may be viewed at the link below.